New Year, New Business

Resolutions are fun and exciting!! But unless you have a good reason supporting your resolution, your drive to commit to the task may fizzle out rather quickly.

You are entering a new year. It is a perfect new start. You are excited with a fresh and motivated mind. Nothing in the way can make any hurdle in this happiest time of year.

Don’t get me wrong, I believe in you. But you need to know. That 20% of small businesses fail in their first year. Take a longer picture. That number increases to 70% by the tenth year. What do we learn from these stats?  That New Year’s resolution is not always the best time to start a business. You can have more opportunities, better occasions, and reasons to start a business.

Business is NOT free

Why? Money. No matter what you hear on social media, starting a new business is NOT free. It always costs money. You are going into online business or other money is always involved. As a matter of fact, people who convince you that they can help you start a business with money are scammers. Before you enter the fray of entrepreneurship, here are the top 5 reasons to start a business.


Do something you love. Make something you are passionate about. Picking your passion as a business will help drive you to continue your business. Even after the initial excitement wears off. You will have your passion to drive business.


It’s all about the dollar bills. Or other currency. We need it to live. We need this to support our family and help them have a comfortable life. Enough said.

Being your own Boss

We’ve all had bad bosses, and we can’t stand it. But if you are the boss, you can’t complain … right? You can do everything in your own way.


Setting your own schedule is magic. The best thing in a working life is to make your own flexible schedule. You work from home or go to work with your own will. The flexibility of being able to stop at any time to tend to your personal life is phenomenal.


Release your inner nerd because starting a business is a learning adventure!!

How realistic is this list? Very realistic in terms of motivation, but once you start the business, it doesn’t always turn out so … perfect. It’s not all sunshine and rainbows!! Of course you will make many mistakes in business. But these mistakes will help you learn a lot. Pick up pieces where you lack and improve.


Too scared to make mistakes? Who isn't? But you can't just sit on your couch and stare at the wall thinking you might make this or that mistake. Get into business and follow the steps you can take to avoid some common pitfalls.

After starting a business you need to protect it. You know very well. People always try to steal money. Even if you are not making money they are still planning to steal anything you got.

People start businesses with their savings. Keeping a blind eye on business security will make your business fall even before it starts. To protect your business there is no better way than having humanly written customizable legal templates.

Why is it humanly written? Because business information is sensitive and problems are expansive. That can put you in debt. You can rely on AI. It is not authentic and doesn't cover every topic that you might face in business.

Make a business plan

After getting legal templates you are protected and ready to start a business. Now make a business plan. For many people making business plans is a hectic task. For some a business plan isn't worth spending time on. But believe me.

A business plan is the pillar of your business. It keeps you updated on what you should be doing in a certain period of time. With this you are motivated to take business to the next step. I already have published an article on how to create a Business Plan in 30 minutes OR LESS. If you are so caught up with everything else. Then have a look at it to fill your business requirements and you are ready.

Sum up:

You have an idea. Now make a business, pick the best legal template packages, have a partner if needed and go run your business. Don't overthink, you are the badass. You can do it. Your first step will make a business step toward success.

Be proud of yourself! Sometimes the hardest thing to do is just START. Even if it is a New Year’s resolution that kicks off your starting point, I wish you the absolute best.

Remember you are going to make mistakes. Not everyone is perfect. Business is evolving. There might come a time when you can't find a solution all by yourself. But don't get mad and leave. Have some professional help you. And achieve what you aim for.


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