Get rid of Imposter Syndrome

You are thinking about the business. But you have so many doubts. You may be struggling with imposter syndrome. Let’s talk about imposter syndrome.

Imposter syndrome will make a home in your head. Leaving with so many doubts. 

Who are YOU to start a business? It will make you question yourself. Do you have a background in business? Do you even know what you are doing? At what point will people know that you are a complete amateur??

Stop doubting yourself. Stop the swirl of unease in your head.

But how?

I’ll start with my favorite Formula 1 driver quote. 

“The easiest thing in life is to give up. On whatever you know. Whatever you are focused on. On whatever you are hopeful for. The hardest thing is to continue. To keep going. But we have to. Like we have to continue. To hold on. And I would imagine for so many people out there that is. That is probably the most difficult thing.”

Sir Lewis Hamilton

But before making efforts to keep going you need to take a start. Take a step back and look at what you’ve done in your life. Start to list your accomplishments, big and small.

Are you a parent? If you are then have a LOT more management and business skills. No joke.

Do you go to university and work at the same time? Then you are talented with great management skills. You have to juggle two different parts of life and make them both work out. It's not easy but you are doing too well is the proof. That you are capable of starting a business.

You are not just an ordinary person. You are already a badass. Own it. Remind yourself about that fact whenever you need to.

Make a list, and believe in yourself to start a business. But if you don't know anything about business. You are so clueless that you don't even know how to start a business. 

Don't worry. You can always learn how to start a business. Like from one of my previous articles on legal templates and business. I have written an article: Create a Business Plan in 30 minutes OR LESS. Starting a business is a step by step process, including formation.

In this article, I have given formation. So go there copy and paste formation. Fill it according to your business. And get on the track to start your own business.

But what if you can’t do EVERYTHING?

Really? You think you can do everything? No one can. Don't get sucked with the thought that you are inferior because you can't do everything.

I have told you so many times. That you are not expected to do everything. You can be a CEO, Finance manager, marketing lead, and more at the same time. You need to hire professionals.

Make a list, of the items that take too long to learn. Like law and accounting. Invest in hiring these professionals rather than time into them.

The legal template packages are the best for you. They are customizable, written by attorneys, and specialize in online businesses. Associated with law they make sure you are building and operating your business in a legal manner.

You want to take this business to a higher level. But at the start, set realistic goals, and recognize when you achieve them. It gives you vision and proof that you can achieve your goals.

What if you just CAN’T believe in yourself?

A friend in need is a friend indeed. You are stressed, doubting yourself, and can't believe you can really start a business.

Talk to a friend. A real friend. The friend who increases your morale, who picks you up instead of puts you down.  Choose well, and you will get good feedback. If you think imposter syndrome is getting worse and now impacting your mental health. Then there is no shame at all in pursuing therapy.

You should celebrate Small Wins

Like I previously said, business is a step by step process. Set realistic goals, and recognize when you achieve them. You have to be patient and work in small pieces. It gives you vision and proof that you can achieve your goals.

Celebrating small wins gives you a better idea of where you were before and where you are right now. Most importantly, with this pace where you will be in the future. It helps you overcome imposter syndrome.

The next time you ask yourself: Who am I to start a business? The answer is: Me, because I’m a badass.


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